Inspire by aspiring in silence

We all want to see our loved ones live healthy, happy lives. And when we find something that is working for us and see loved ones struggling with their health, it is natural to want to share our knowledge with them.

But as you may have already found out – your advice is not always as welcomed as you think it should be. 

We may mean well (And I meant well A LOT, lol!), but it’s important to remember that the wellness journey is a personal one, and we can only walk it for ourselves.

It’s not loving to harass the people in our lives to make changes with a new diet or exercise plan, for example, especially if it is something brand new for them. They may only have the bandwidth for what is on their plate right now. Or they may simply have no desire to do anything other than what they are currently doing, whether you agree with it or not.

And IT’S OKAY!!!

It can be hard to bite your tongue, I know, but we must respect their journey and trust that they will make the necessary changes when they are ready. 

Instead, BE THE INSPIRATION! and focus on healing and embodying the person you want to be. When we do this, we become a shining example of health and vitality, and we inspire those around us to make positive changes for themselves.

ASPIRE SILENTLY! This means that we do not need to broadcast our every meal or action. We don’t have to comment on everything we see others doing that falls outside of our personal health guidelines. And we definitely can keep the “I told you so’s ” – in all their many disguises – to ourselves. 

Yes, you may want your honey, your mother, dad, sibling, friend, etc to see the “light” and jump on the wagon with you. And if they do – Awesome! You have a buddy joining in and you can support and encourage each other.  But if you’re met with resistance, then send them love, light, and healing. And then you keep aspiring to your wellness goals and taking it day by day, because that is a hard enough task already.

When we are committed to walking our path of healing, we start to witness a ripple effect of positive change, not only in our own lives, but in the lives of those around us.  Those that were hesitant before may start asking you questions and seeking your advice or even start incorporating small changes here and there. We become a beacon of light, showing others what’s possible and inspiring them to take action for their own health and well-being. 

Trust nature! Eating whole, electric, hydrating fruits and veggies will improve your health! And then trust that the health aspirations you have for yourself will inspire those around you without having to convince, shame, or persuade. 

Just quietly keep climbing higher and higher up the pyramid of your own divine healing!