Back to the Basics of Detoxification

Often times we get so eager to get on the other side of our health concerns that we are willing to try all the new things that the latest research has to offer or go straight for the most drastic change so that we can get back to our bad habits as fast as possible. We want to get to that advanced point on our path so badly, that we don’t always spend the time preparing and building the foundation to sustain the improvements that can eventually be achieved. Not only do we have to change the way we eat, but the way we think about healing and medicine. We can spend money and time on the latest tea, exercise routine, and super food, or prescription, but if we haven’t fully rooted ourselves in the basics of detoxification and health regeneration, we will still not realize our most desired goal of complete healing.


The lesson that keeps presenting itself for me to learn is that – like it or not, and despite what I want to believe, the reality is that I am still working on the foundation of my health. And many of us are. There is no short cut. And unfortunately many of us aren’t willing to accept the amount of work and commitment that’s required to build that foundation. New cells are being created in our bodies constantly. But if those cells are built with inferior material the foundation and structure will still be weak.


So the work must be done.


Let’s do our part to understand and practice the basic principles of detoxification. Nature will do the rest:


  1. Acid/Alkaline: Healthy balance within the body comes down to the basic chemistry of acidity and alkalinity. To be healthy our bodies must have an alkaline environment (ph of 7.3 +/-). If you are too far below this then you are chronically acidic. An acidic body environment will result in damaged cells, cancers, tumors, inflammation, parasites, etc. Think of acid in its typical definition – something very hot that can burn, melt, distort, and harden. You don’t want anything like that going on inside you. If you are experiencing chronic or persistent health issues in the body, then you are more than likely acidic.
  2. Lymphatic Stagnation and Kidney Filtration: If you are acidic it usually comes down to two variations of the same problem: stagnation of the lymph in the body or the failure of the kidneys to adequately move the lymph to the bladder for urination. It may show up in different parts of the body based on an individual’s specific weaknesses or vulnerabilities, but it all comes down to the same thing: the acids can’t get out. The lymphatic system carries the acidic, metabolic waste to the kidneys. It is a complicated highway in the body that is 3X larger than the blood vessel network. If the lymph can’t move to the kidneys or if the kidneys can’t process the lymph out the body, the acids back up and start to burning tissue and damaging cells.
  3. Clean: To reverse an acidic environment you have to balance the body with alkaline foods (and thoughts!) and support the kidneys and the lymph system to regain their highest functionality. The foods to eat are the ones that are highest in alkalinity: Fruits and Vegetables. Fruits clean and vegetables help strengthen. For lymph movement you want to mainly clean with fruit, but strengthen at the same time with medicinal herbs and some vegetables. Amazingly for us Mother Nature made these foods easy to eat and readily accessible. They grow up from the ground or they fall off the trees for us to pick up when they have the highest nutritional value. That’s why a high fruit, raw food diet yields the best results in reversing disease. It was divinely designed that way. It can take 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or even longer to turn a severely acidic body back to alkaline, but you will feel the difference a lot sooner. The foods to avoid are the acid foods and the worst offenders are dairy, animal protein, processed foods and processed sugars.
  4. Strengthen: You can support the lungs, kidneys, liver, endocrine system, digestion/elimination system and the nervous system with herbs (nature’s first pharmaceuticals) that increase their function. I will be doing an extensive list on these herbs in the next few posts.


Back to Basics. Back to Nature. Back to Health. It can’t be avoided so you might as well get started!

Happy Detoxing


167 thoughts on “Back to the Basics of Detoxification”

  1. Thanks for writing this blog post and letting people who read it know things they can do to make their bodies alkaline again. I am definitely interested in trying to get my body back to alkaline and will follow some of the recommendations in the post heading forward.

  2. I definitely want to settle into a more natural and healthy way of eating without having to think I need to diet because I will be so adjusted to eating the right foods and steering clear of the bad ones!

  3. I’ve never done a detox, I’m nervous thinking something will go wrong.
    Reading all these comments makes me want to start up asap.

    Thanks for this opportunity… I’d love to win & start doing it.

  4. Thanks for sharing this info. Are some fruits and vegetables better than others for detoxing? Is it necessary that they are organic? Also wondering if it’s possible for one’s body to be too alkaline? Thank you.

    1. I think this giveaway Juicer is amazing and an inspiration for me as well as other’s to choose &/or continue a good, healthy way of eating & nourishment

  5. I do a dry fast every friday it is the only way I can get my lymphatic system to work properly. If you are not getting a cloud or sediment when you pee your Lymphatic system is not working right. The foods that block it the most is protein, dairy ,sugar and gluten. I do not eat anything but fruit and veggies. I have been sick for 8 years with lyme. This has helped me so much. Let your foods heal you. not poison you.

    1. Oh it definitely will, but the biggest benefit is the healing process of allowing your body to clean. The weight loss is just an added bonus. The commitment is to your health.

  6. Christina Zawadiwsky

    Besides, of course, wanting to win the contest, I’m amazed that this site offers such valuable information for our health!

  7. I hate having to get rid of old fruits/vegetables, and often try my best not to unless they are completely inedible. I think this juicer would give them a new chance and me another option.

  8. I would love to learn more about detoxing so I can get my body in peak condition again and release any impurities in my system!!!

  9. It sounds like a remarkable program. I love my fruits and veggies anyhow so it wouldn’t be that hard for me to do.

    1. Yes! It’s amazing how the body can heal itself when we feed it the right things. Kudos to you for that achievement!

  10. I’ve been trying a ginger turmeric & lemon daily detox, wellness shot, So far so good, It feels like a natural energy shot;

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