Day 3 of my Juice Fast and I was Blindsided!

So, after thinking about it, reading up on it, and being consumed with knowing you need to, you’ve finally, FINALLY made the commitment to begin your Detox. You’ve already prepared for the next couple of days or so for the type of detox you’re ready for – whether you’re eating fruit, drinking juice, or eating salads and raw food. You know the first 3-5 days are going to be the toughest – mentally and physically, but you’re ready.

Day 1 and Day 2 go as planned. You wanted to cheat but you didn’t. Awesome determination.

But then on Day 3 it happens – one of the most stressful days in a long time gets dropped in your lap. What do you do?


I had to make a difficult decision and neither option felt right. The juice fasting already had me feeling some pressure in my head (loosening the congestion), but the stress of the decision was making it that much worse.

So how did I deal with the additional stress when my body was starting the all-important work of detoxification – an already uncomfortable process?

Here’s what I did:

1) FRESH AIR AND NATURE. I went outside and walked around the trees. The outside air and sunshine seemed to immediately bring the stress down at least one notch for me. I was amazed by the beauty in nature that never fades, no matter what we have going on in our lives.

2) BREATHING. I leaned against one of the trees and just started breathing in long, deep breaths. This eased the tension in my head as well as slowed my heartbeat. I’ve learned and taught several breathing techniques as a yoga student and teacher, but the tried and true practice of just breathing in on 4 breaths and breathing out on another 4 breaths will do wonders for stress.

3) DRANK. It could be juice or water for you, but I needed the comfort of warm herbal tea. I made a cup of dandelion tea, but peppermint, chamomile, or lavender will work as well. You want to keep flushing out the toxins, but also those herbal teas in particular are good for relaxation and digestion. And there’s just something about warm tea that makes you feel caressed and cared for as you slowly sip it.

4) PRIORTIZED. I realized the most important thing to me is my health. So I stayed the course. It’s so easy to give up on our plans to detox, or exercise, or just eat better when life gets in the way. But life is going to be stressful at times no matter what you intended or planned. And although the process of detoxification can amplify that stress, I had to weigh what I was feeling and experiencing at the time with the reward of better health in my future. I know that a cleaner body and mind will help me better deal with stress in general.

So if you experience stress during your detox, don’t give up. You can still move through those first few difficult days of detoxification. Try getting close to nature, breathing exercises, warm herbal teas, and most importantly, keep your health goal in mind.

P.S. And if you’re wondering how I handled the big decision? Well, I decided not to make any big moves. It meant saying NO to something I thought I always wanted, but actually saying YES to what I want most of all. My priorities had indeed changed and keeping my health front and center was my north star to the best decision for me.

P.S.S. If you’re wondering what juices I’ve been drinking during my detox – Watermelon and lemon. Delicious!

Happy Detoxing!


153 thoughts on “Day 3 of my Juice Fast and I was Blindsided!”

  1. I’ve managed a day here and there, but I can’t seem to find a blend that works well for me yet.. I keep experimenting though

  2. Thanks for letting readers of this post know what you did to continue your juice fast. I really appreciated reading about the things you did so you could continue it. I think if I were detoxing, I would find getting some fresh air outside and being closer to nature would really help me continue on the path of detoxification. I think prioritizing would also enable me to continue on the path of detoxification, if I were indeed detoxing. Once again, thanks for letting readers of this post know the things you did so you could continue your juice fast.

  3. Ma.eleonor Placencia

    Awesome and verry helpful how I wish I could have this juicer !!!! I cany afford this thing so hope I win☆★☆

  4. I liked reading about the struggle you have had with staying on juicing it the same way for me when i try to stay on a diet

  5. This would be perfect as I am on a new healthy lifestyle journey.I quit smoking 5 months ago which was my starting point .I would love to be able to make healthy juices to help me along.Thank you so much for the chance

  6. Andrea Peregretti

    I’ve been wanting to do a juice detox forever! So excited to try this thanks for all the tips and tricks.

  7. Always wanting to try juicing. I believe eating what is naturally grown is healthy and meant for us to consume for all the vitamins our bodies need to stay healthy. Thank you for your article, it was an informative read.

  8. I have had some stressful situations where I always mess up my diets. These are great suggestions to stay on track. Thanks for sharing them.

  9. Watermelon and lemon sounds good! Life does get stressful but I try to remember I always have the power to control the direction a situation goes. I think knowing I can immediately take control helps me handle things that come my way.

  10. Getting out for some nature & fresh air would definitely be like hitting a reset button. Great way to stop that voice in your head that tells you to give up.

  11. I’ve never done a juice fast. I’m too scared that I couldn’t handle it but with these tips I might be able to pull it off.

    1. Hi Amy – there aren’t easy to start, but a juice fast is surprisingly easy to actually do once you get past the 1st 3-5 days. Keep in mind that you may not really need to do one. Although they can benefit everyone, no mater what your state of health, I recommend juice fasting to someone who has an acute (appearing suddenly, but easily handled – these are usually the beginning warnings that many of us ignore or medicate that can worsen over time) and even more serious chronic health issues.
      If you really want to undertake a juice fast, take 1-4 weeks preparing with clean food (no dairy, fried foods, caffiene or alcohol, fast food/processed foods), then go vegan (eating clean without meat), then go raw vegan (no cooked foods). That will make the 1st few days less uncomfortable.

      Good Luck!

  12. Juice fasting can be a challenge, but it’s *so* worth it! I met Joe Cross when he was speaking about juicing and when I buy a new juicer (my Jack Lalane Juicer that was given to me…the motor burned out), it will definitely be a Breville. In the meantime…continue rocking the juice fast!!!

  13. I loved reading about your struggle to keep going with your juice fast. The same principles apply to dieting. You’ve inspired me to keep going on those tough days. Thanks.

  14. I think doing a juice cleanse would be so great, but when you have to be on medicine that you have to mix with foods to stay alive, things get a bit more complicated. I can still drink juice though! Why not? 😀

    1. Yes! there are definitely more options to juice fasting. Juicing as a snack or in between your meals is a great and gradually way to detox! Health is about all the little decisions, not always the big grand gestures – like a fast. You can still reach your destination of better health!

  15. I’ve been trying to eat cleaner and juicing is very efficient – thanks for the info on what to expect 🙂

  16. I loved reading about how detoxing and juicing helped you lead to a more productive and healthy lifestyle. Thanks so much for sharing!

  17. I loved reading about how detoxing and juicing helped you lead to a more productive and healthy lifestyle. Thanks so much for sharing.

  18. Juicing is really good to do and it helps to get those toxins out if the body. It also is refreshing and have more energy! Thanks for sharing. The information is really helpful and thanks for the opportunity to enter!

  19. this sounds wonderful….and I should try this myself. thanks for the great info. I need to do something to turn my life around and to get in shape better. Gotta start somewhere and this could be it.

  20. Jennifer Raska

    I am getting prepared to go through a 5 day detox myself, and this would be amazing to try. This sweeps could not have came at a more perfect time. Fingers crossed! Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!

  21. Number 4 is very important. I also have to remind myself at times that health is the ultimate priority.

  22. yes I beleive it’s very important to detoxify the body with herbal teas and the clean and fresh air of the outdoors if your are fortunate not to live in polluted big city
    I will practice these tips and suggestions thank you I wish you the best of health and proseperity in your journey

  23. Debra Holloway

    This was really some great information. Juicing seems to have some great effects on one’s health with some determination too.

  24. Alva G Baltimore

    I stumbled across your 8 week detox in FB and it is so what I need right now. I’ve started and stopped detox programs a million times or more. However, reading your blog just now is additional inspiration to begin again and stay the course. Thank you so much for sharing … it’s usually when I’m at work, it’s early afternoon and cravings kick in because I feel stressed about what’s not going to get done by days end. I’ve turned to crap however, I’m really pretty great about beginning my day with Juice, fresh fruit or a smoothie. Kudos to me for that and now on with the next level. 8 weeks of fruit feasting!!! WooHoo I am so excited.

    1. That is so awesome! – making juice and fruit part of your daily routine is major and makes a huge difference overall. And I understand completely about the stress and cravings. Try bringing a special juice blend or your favorite exotic fruit to have for your “twitchy” hour. Maybe by making it special with a treat for yourself, you can slowly change the way it presents itself mentally in your mind. It’s hard to go through, but you can do this!!

  25. Candace Beckles

    Your story to wellville has been such an inspiration. I hope I win the juicer to continue on this journey, shaking up the lymph system and filtering these kidneys. With Love Candace

  26. Love getting the important information that Dr. Morse and his team of specialist have for us. You have a beautiful website and blog! Looking forward to be completely detoxed! Any tips on ditching that black mud aka “coffee”? Seems to be my last addiction. The last one, and it always sneaks back in to my life!

    1. Ahhhh! Coffee can be a hard one – the smell, and taste and then just the social aspect of it too. I drink a really dark brew of dandelion tea as a substitute with maple syrup or raw agave. Then you could then add some raw almond milk for the cafe au lait experience. not quite the same, but still delicious!

  27. Danielle Fernandez

    Way to go awesome job ! I went on a green smoothie diet and all natural so I know exactly what you mean about the stress on your body . I never thought of other ways to beat the stress other than grin and bear it. Thank you for the pointers !

  28. I’ve never tried a detox before , I don’t think I’d make it past a day lol. I have been meaning to start eating healthier and would love to try smoothies .

  29. I’ve never managed a successful juice fast but I absolutely adore bone broth and water only fasting. Maybe I’ll give combining them a try! 🙂

  30. I love juice fasts! Currently trying to get my daughters involved. ..I had to buy a cheaper juicer it doesn’t do the job at all. So, using a blender lol it does much better..

  31. My husband was on the verge of moving from Type 2 diabetes to Type 1 – so we changed our lifestyle and eating habits, and would both love to do a serious detox – thank you for this opportunity to win a juicer!

  32. I would really love to win this. I would love to start juicing and the watermelon lemon has really caught my attention!

  33. I would love to do some juicing…need to get healthier and lose some winter weight. Good advice!

    1. The juice fast is a faster way to detoxification, but it may not be necessary for everyone. I’m a “jump-right-in” personality, so it made sense to me. On the other hand I am working with a client that is making a slow transition into reversing her gout. She’s 75 and is just trying to gain more mobility in her joints while slowly detoxing the uric acid out. She’s just eating fruit and making juices in the morning and adding leafy greens at lunch, then eating her typical dinner earlier than later. It’s been 8 weeks for her now and she’s starting to feel better and doing more and more.

    1. Thank you. It certainly helped me at the worst possible time to be stressed. I’m working on extending my meditation time as well, but the being in nature was the next best thing at the time

    1. A lot of lucky people don’t need to detox, but juicing is a great addition to any diet no matter what you eat. Even before I started improving my diet and those times wen I totally slide back into my beloved cheat foods – fried fish and onion rings – LOL!, I still tried to juice. I like to think that it helped me not stray with the unhealthy stuff for too long. Good luck with the contest!

    1. The beginning is always the trickiest part, but just starting is key. Once you build some momentum it gets easier and easier.

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